Movable Type: How tu fuck up yourself

and your business in 1 Week:

1. Don´t tell anybody what you´re doing.
2. Charge money for something what has been free
3. Give a damn about others who still offer the same stuff for free.
4. Blame the failure on your customers and their opinion

Wer sagt da, dass die New Economy vorbei ist?

Mittwoch, 19. Mai 2004, 18:45, von donalphons | |comment

NE revised. Bei Frau Groener lese ich, dass S&J ihre Mitarbeiter zur Motivationssteigerung mit Handfeuerwaffen ballern lässt.

But life is just a party and parties weren't meant 2 last
War is all around us, my mind says prepare 2 fight
So if I gotta die, I'm gonna listen 2 my body 2night

Prince, 1999

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